After a great success of the previous two editions were held in Kayes in 2011 and 2012, Soninke around the world will meet in Nouakchott, Mauritania from 20 to 24 February 2014 for the 3rd edition of the International Festival Soninke ( FISO ) . This edition will be a new opportunity to gather all the Soninke community and its diaspora to show the world the richness of cultural heritage in general and the Soninke in particular through lectures discussions, songs, dances, ceremonies and traditional rites.
Once registered in the previous two editions were held in 2011 and 2012 in the capital rails success , Soninke around the world will meet in Nouakchott, Mauritania from 20 to 24 February 2014 for the 3rd edition of the international festival Soninke . For the 2014 edition , which will bring many associations for the defense and promotion of the Soninke culture, Soninke agree hands to not only consolidate all the gains of the previous two editions , but also promote the preservation of African cultural heritage in general and in particular of the Soninke .
Thus, this great cultural event of the Soninke people in the Mauritanian capital, consolidate festivalgoers from Mali , Senegal , Mauritania , Gambia and the Diaspora from the four corners of the world to live " sooninkaaxu " in all its splendor .
According to the organizers of the FISO , this edition will be an opportunity to demonstrate through exchanges , the relevance of the initiative and the ability of the festival and its partners. As they explain in the context of the expansion of this action, it will be created a professional organization that will fit in Perspectives on Sustainable Development of Africa winner . It will also aim to jointly mobilize different Soninke communities , reflect on the future of peoples Soninké losing culture.
In making this festival a cultural rendezvous major a factor of rapprochement between the expertise of diverse backgrounds to promote the restoration of the Soninke identity through the support of many sociocultural and economic activities such as tourism solidarity and crafts, the organizers intend to create an anchor of decentralized cooperation between the Soninke communities and other national and regional communities , and effective social mediator , to finally lay the groundwork for a common exchange program between festival to strengthen the network of partners FISO .
To achieve their goals including the preservation and use of cultural heritage, the consolidation of decentralized cooperation between Soninké Africa and the Diaspora , the implementation of development strategies (eg the development of eco - tourism and cultural tourism) , strengthening social cohesion , ownership by the youth of tangible and intangible cultural heritage, the talent identification and valuation of artwork inventory of dances, songs , and rhythms musical capacity building for conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage, several conference discussions will be led by eminent personalities from across the globe.
The program also includes exhibitions publications , craft and the role of the diaspora in the socio economic development of African countries and the participation Soninké worldwide artists. Also , activities such as a soccer tournament , a marathon will be the highlights of the third edition in Nouakchott.
Recall that the International Festival Soninke ( FISO ) is an initiative of all Soninke countries of Africa and its diaspora organized in an association called APS (Association for the Promotion of Language and Culture Soninké ) created in Paris in 1979 and headed by Mr. Soumare Diadié .
Arouna Sissoko, trainee
Source: The Debate