In the presence of an immense crowd that took place Saturday, January 11, 2014 in Villetaneuse (93) meet the soninkées associations France . This high mass , organized by the association soninkara.com tea form discussion , was a first in the history of the community . Young and old, men and women of all socio -professional categories came in numbers to a single goal: to advocate soninkée .
This was the ideal opportunity to take stock on the balance sheet and prospects of these associations since their existence . This face- to-face opportunity for representatives of different associations to learn about the projects and achievements but also of the operating mechanism of each others . He also served '' '' intercultural exchange , sharing of tools and best practices in the management of community projects .
Several associations have responded to this call and have actively participated in this obviously rich and exciting debate. It was like a seminar or convention large companies given the content of the exchange and the large scope of projects and achievements.
The debate, no doubt , was rich and varied , both by the quality of its content and the speakers and facilitators. In this case Thierno Tandia APS , Cheikhna Mahamadou Wagué of soninkara.com and Romuald Dzomoncongo GRDR Needless to say, it was difficult to arrive at the end of different themes, such trade was exciting and fruitful.